When it comes commercial kitchens, the extraction and ventilation systems can sometimes be pushed aside and even forgotten about. It is something that is not only important in keeping the air clean for your staff but it's actually a legal requirement that your kitchen must adhere too.
Commercial Kitchen Ventilation
In a commercial kitchen, what you see is what you get with your commercial equipment. Your ovens, grills, fryers etc are all there to cook food. Your fridges, freezers and blast chillers can be used for both chilling as well as storing food and produce.
It can be easy to overlook your commercial kitchen ventilation system, but it's an incredibly important part of keeping your kitchen functioning at max capacity. The ventilation system is in charge of keeping the air in your kitchen smoke, steam and grease free. This is what you need to take into account when looking for the right kitchen ventilation system for your business.
The following blog will be talking about the basic of what the ventilation system contains, what roles it carries out in a commercial kitchen and suggestions on simple ways you can keep your commercial kitchen ventilation standards as high as possible.
Commercial kitchens can be hot, steamy, smelly places during the height of service! So it’s important that you have the…
It’s arguable that your ventilation systems are the most important part of your kitchen. Did you know that around 70%…
Commercial kitchen & ventilation system A ventilation system is extremely important for any commercial kitchen. It plays an integral and…